Love is rare, spread it more often. Surrounded by hatred and negativity, many fall in the trap of hostility and arrogance. Be the difference. Kindness is not weakness. Show love for the people you care for and for the ones against you. Always be positive, especially in the hardest situations. Do not hold grudges, for they will only effect you. Build relationships. Be romantic. Put in effort for the people around you and show them you care. Chivalry isn’t dead. Being polite and having manners isn’t dead. Romance isn’t dead.
Raw emotion is beautiful, Show it more often. Express your feelings and beliefs and don’t be afraid of rejection. Emotions are powerful. Show people how you feel and being genuine will show for itself. Stand for what you believe and don’t let anyone put you down for it. If you have a passion for something, act on it. If you love something, show it. If you want something, take it. Your beliefs and your emotions are what make you, you. Be passionate and do what you feel is right.
Life is too short, live more often. Many of us are trapped and we don’t realize it. There is this set path we limit ourselves to think is the only way to be happy and are too scared to act out of our comfort zone. Most of us don’t realize our own potential. Don’t follow the path as everyone else and go along with the ride because it’s easy. Acknowledge your potential for greatness. Open yourself to new ideas and possibilities and be patient. Invest your time in what you love and who you love and forget how things are supposed to be. No two people are alike. People want different things and they should take what they want. Be the difference. Strive for greatness. Be happy.
Luxury costs, work more often. Strive for the things you want in life. Behind every achievement is hard work and dedication. you can’t say something and not take action. Put in the work and it will show. Strategize and work efficiently. Not everything is going to come to you and especially not right away. The misunderstanding is that if it doesn’t happen over night it doesn’t work. Trees don’t grow over night. It takes time to mature and develop. Be patient and trust the process. The work you put in now will lead you down the right path later. Luxury is obtainable by anyone who wants it bad enough.
Be sweet like candy. Be understanding and caring. Treat others how you would like to be treated and you will get it in return. A small gesture goes a long way and separates you from the vast majority of people, so stand out. The bottom is crowded with negativity. It’s easy to be tainted with it, which is why it’s so popular. Hate and jealousy never won anything. Fill your vibes with nothing but love and positive thinking to climb to a better place. Avoid drama at all costs. It’s a full-time job taking care of yourself, there’s no room to worry about other people’s problems. Avoid negativity. Avoid people who don’t benefit your well-being. Avoid hate. You can’t please everyone, there will always be people against you. Rather than acknowledging them, continue to be a better person and stay humble about it. This is the sweeter solution.
Don’t lose focus. It’s easy to do something when you feel like it. Be disciplined enough to stay consistent when you don’t. No matter the pace, being consistent will always result in success. Commit yourself to a goal and crush it everyday. Your goals are yours and yours only, meaning no one can achieve them for you. Taking a day off only affects you. By staying consistent and persistent, you allow yourself more opportunities in the future you would have never imagined to have. You’ll thank yourself later. Set reminders and routines to stay on track. Place your goals toward a higher purpose. Avoid distractions and reestablish your priorities. If you don’t feel like getting up in the morning, rather than doing it for yourself, do it for your family, your friends, loved ones, future generations, anything with strong value. Hold yourself accountable. Keep your vision in mind. Don’t forget what made you start in the first place and write it down. Your brain is a muscle, work it out consistently to see improvements in your mindset. Don’t lose focus.
Who do you trust? Do you really trust them? Can you honestly put your life in someone else’s hands and be comfortable? Most people can’t. We need more trust. We need more togetherness. We need more love. Even your closest friends can be your worst enemies in a matter of seconds. You never know who you can trust until it’s too late. For this reason, it is hard to express yourself and open up in fear of betrayal and rejection. Finding those rare, genuinely good people that don’t seek to harm you are a blessing. Even through the rough times, they wouldn’t betray you or hurt you, but instead, they will work with you. These are the kind of people we need in our lives and we shouldn’t settle for anything less. Rather than hurt each other, we need to help each other. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who appreciate you and trust will start to form. Have faith and support one another so that one day when you need it, someone will be there to help you. Have each others backs and remind your loved ones of your gratitude for them. Don’t abuse trust, it is one of the most valuable things to have.
People will try to bring you down to their level in any way they can. Hang around the wrong people and soon you will develop their habits, mindset, and actions. Trying to break away from “normality” is difficult. Trying to be different or strive toward anything is a lonely path. Most people don’t have passion or an “inner fire” to strive for something they want. If anything, you are abnormal to them for not relating to their basic, ordinary mindset. Zombies. They’ll eat you alive and you’ll become apart of the herd, mindlessly wandering. Rather than acknowledging these people, keep to yourself. Present yourself in an appealing way without coming off as egotistical or conceited, but don’t waste your time. The right people will gravitate towards you based on what you put out there. Never go out of your way for someone who does not share the same mindset or goals. It is a major goal for people to find their passion and wake up that “fire” they have inside, but it is not your goal for them so don’t waste your time. Most of what you hear is just talk anyway. Nevertheless, Everyone has a furnace inside them, you just have to find a way to light it. If you truly have a vision or a goal, go for it, but don’t let anyone know your true intentions. Once someone sees your next move, they will pull you right back down to a pedestal next to them, or even below them, for they think they have figured you out. Keep people at a distance, only letting a few like-minded individuals close. Learn to be self-sufficient and independent. Being happy with yourself is a life long goal most people never achieve. Don’t go through life being a follower; you can strive away from this path. As you progress, it feels as if you are on a bungee cord. The farther you go the more tension there is pulling you back to normality. It’s so easy to fall back to how things used to be. It’s easy not to change because you are so used to normality and you feel comfortable with everyone else. Relating and sharing values of mediocracy is how we fit in. We like to fit in with the crowd. We like everything to be easy. It’s easy to just go with the flow because everyone else is in the same boat. We have a sense of security and a place in the world when we fit in. But the only way to progress and develop in this world is to live in uncomfortable situations until they are no longer uncomfortable, and then repeat. Learning and developing is essential for progress. Is there anyone you can think of that has been successful from being mediocre and has kept their success? It’s hard to imagine, that’s why we must invest in learning particular skills to stand out. Being nervous is great. Being in awkward situations is even better. Failing and getting back up, the best. Don’t let normality keep you in the majority. No one was born to follow. As much as people will try to bring you back to their level, strive, progress, dominate. Spread love in your actions as you progress and be thankful. Don’t get caught up in your ego when you’re climbing the ladder. This will only make the fall much harder to recover from.
Be open to change. Be willing to adapt. Any development or progress will come to a standstill if no one is willing to change. Don’t be so set in your ways. Be open to many different perspectives and be willing to see others sides of an argument. It’s ok to get rid of people in your life if they aren’t helping you. New people will come. Better, more nurturing individuals are out there, you just have to be able to find them. By putting out different energy, you attract different individuals. Don’t be hung over others that aren’t helping you bring positive energy to your life. You will naturally drop all the negativity once you start to change and shift your mindset. Everything is a mind game. How you play it is what you get out of it. Once you start to train your mind to think differently, a whole new world of opportunities is yours. If you’re able to see this, everything gets a lot easier. When you are able to change your ways and how you view the world is when you will really start to develop. It all starts in your head. New technology and trends are happening at an exponential rate. How will a business owner deal with this if he/she is not willing to change? They’ll be left behind while others keep climbing the ladder. We naturally do not like change as humans, it’s part of our DNA. We like familiarity and routine. Instead of using this as an excuse, be willing to get out of your comfort zone and you’ll experience a whole new world.
Love Scars
A feeling you can’t control, molded over time with joyful memories and heart pounding moments. A rare bond and feeling of deep emotion that conjures memories out of nothing, memories of a loved one. It’s not until departure that one can truly experience the pain of love. Agony, sorrow, depression, torment, misery, grief. Love is torture. It’s an uncontrollable torture you deal with day and night. No distraction can overtake this feeling. No action can dismiss this pain. No action of theres could ever agitate. No one could ever compare. Their flaws are what you admire. Their well being is always a priority. Their happiness is your happiness. Even to a point where they could hate you, you still wish them no harm. As long as they’re happy, you’re happy, even if it’s not because of you. As much as it shatters you inside, you want the best for them.
Love is misery and happiness. The joy it creates abides with the pain it causes you. It’s heaven in hell. You go through it for reasons you can’t express in words, but rather for a deep feeling that rests inside of you. A flower that changes into a knife is still a flower to you. It stabs you as you hold it close, but you leave the knife in your heart to remember the happiness and memories you once shared with it. You remember the beauty in the flower, not the blade of the knife. The knife acts as a reminder of the flower, that’s why you can’t take it out of your heart. Too scared to lose what was perfect in your eyes. Too scared to believe anything else could compare. You invested everything you have, not ready to move on, scared of never being able to return to how things were. You never want to take the knife out. Instead you bandage over the wounds untreated. Anyone else that gets too close gets pushed away. It’s only your fault to blame.
If you ever loved someone, truly loved someone, you would know the pain of not being able to be with them. No matter how hard you try to get over them, part of you never will. It haunts you day and night and leaves you with an empty void of despair. Seeing them with someone else or not being able to see them again can crush you internally. You can hurt someone, beat them down, cut them, bruise them, leave them with scares, injured and broken, but they will heal, they will move on. Even through death the pain is over, but love still resonates in the soul. Nothing will compare to the ever lasting pain of losing a loved one. Whether it be distance or death, the memories never die.
You never appreciate the time you had until there is no more time to share. You don’t know what to do. Everything you were used to was gone in an instant. Being too ignorant or oblivious to realize the situation, you disregarded the hints and believed everything to be fine. Put down, broken, lost with out direction, starving for attention, miserable because all you want to do is return to how things were. The emotional pain and longing for the past can change you. You will always believe there is hope, waiting for the day to go back but knowing it won’t be the same. Denial keeps you from seeing the truth. A part of you is lost.
Although it will never fade away, you have to get up. Rise over your setbacks and misfortunes and push forward. Stay humble and stay positive. Whatever you’re going through, you have to be strong. Persevere. The past is not your future, you have the power to change that. Some things stick with you and it hurts. It can tear you up and you can feel that nothing else matters anymore. Whatever the circumstance may be, you have the power to fight your demons and strive toward better things. Don’t forget your story and where you came from. Use your setbacks as fuel and inspiration for the better.
Your biggest opponent is yourself. Constantly battling with emotions and misfortunes makes it hard to find strength within yourself. Living in the past, thinking of what was and what could have been is the biggest waste of time and mental focus. To stay positive, to keep your cool, believing better things are going to come, not living in the past, not giving up, avoiding negativity, surrounding yourself with the right people, developing your mind, acting on your ideas, being patient, and being humble are the keys to success. Take time to work on yourself. Take time to show appreciation for the ones you love. Take time to hold the door for someone or help someone get up when they have fallen. That person might have been you on the ground at some point. Who was there to help you up? Keep your loved ones close and rise to your full potential.
I miss the times we shared. I miss the smile on your face whenever you laughed. I miss the sleepless nights. I miss talking for hours on end and never getting bored. I miss your calming presence. I miss the way you looked into my eyes. I miss the love you gave me. I miss your attention. I miss the silly arguments and your bratty attitude. I miss showing you off. I miss not having you in my arms. I miss not being there for you. I miss everything about you. I miss you.
Do they still think about me? Do I come across their mind as much as they do in mine? Is it my fault? What could I have done better? Do they still care about me? I’m I going insane? Am I crazy? Do these emotions last forever? Why won’t they get out of my head.. What can I do? Do they even want me anymore? Am I good enough for them? Will I be replaced? Was it something I did wrong.. Could I have made it work? Can I fix it? Do they still love me? What did I do? What can I do?
Scars last awhile. Just as you begin to forget, they’ll appear right at the last moment to remind you of them. Whether you choose to block out your past or not, a scar is left permanently. The more time you invest the more dreadful the scar gets. Although this may be, you don’t have to look at the scar in a gloomy light, your outlook can be different. Rather than being a misfortune, consider it an opportunity, an experience, a lesson. It hurts, but rather than accepting the pain as it is, use it as motivation. It’s hard, really hard, almost unbearable. Thinking about it only makes it worse. Focus on healing, Focus on being positive, Focus on you. Time is the only answer here and for any scar. On the surface, no one sees your scars. They’re internal. No one sees the pain it causes you everyday or the nightmares you might have. Despite how “ok” people might perceive you to be, deep down you’re struggling. You learn to live with it. The hardest thing among everything else is that you have no control. If only it was so simple.
Scared of rejection and the thought of letting her go, I refused to let her slip my thoughts and choose to live with the constant torment it brings. The memory of a girl that was so perfect and divine it makes my heart ache to this day. Confused and scared if my interpretation of her is just in my head, Or was she really the one for me that I dreamt in my bed? Will she be the same as I remember or is my vision of her an illusion? How is it I only remember the good times and never the bad? I put her on a pedestal higher than the world that no one could ever reach. I had it all, what I considered the perfect girl. I was happy. There would be oddly sinister yet calming moments when I would be with her and think, “If I died right now, It would be ok”. I had an extreme amount of love and energy running through my body that convinced me I had “won” and I was at peace knowing I’ve found the perfect girl. I don’t know if she knows this. I don’t know if she really knew what she did for me. I felt nothing but bliss, complete ease and happiness. All I wanted to do was make her happy and that’s still what I wish for today. There isn’t a day that goes by without me thinking of her. I don’t feel I am mourning of her, but rather, convincing myself there’s still a chance. Whether I might be too ignorant or weak to get past her, in the back of my mind I still believe there is a way; Struggling to see if i’m living in the past or am I fighting for something I love? This is all I wanted and what I feel I will always want internally. I am stubborn. There will always be this ache in my heart until I let her go. The only thing is I don’t want to let her go. I don’t want to give her up. I am not sure what time will say, but I refuse to let anyone else close. Even if someone managed too, I would only be comparing them to her. Maybe i’m not getting the hint though. Maybe I am wasting me time. Maybe I should get over her. She’s most likely past me and moved on. I don’t even know if she still thinks about me. There are others around, but loneliness still prevails. After all the years of love were lost in a matter of days, all I wanted was to have her back. That’s all I want. I feel that’s all I’ll ever want. I miss her.